MABA provides a forum to unite people with similar interests in moths and butterflies at a national and international level. Within Australia, much of the current expertise (and the major national collection) is geographically centred in Canberra; thus, there is a critical need for broader linkages of expertise across the country and beyond.
We aim to increase connectivity between various people, research institutions and non-government organizations, facilitating networks between experts, promoting collaborations and avoiding duplication of work. MABA also aims to provide better coordination nationally and regionally by bringing together some of the smaller, local interest groups (e.g. BCSA, BOIC, MBNZT).
MABA is based on a strong scientific foundation but has a broad appeal to the community and a wide range of interest groups (e.g. photographers, conservationists, citizen scientists), not just taxonomists or ecologists.
High scientific standards and centres of research excellence are at the foundation of MABA upon which knowledge of the Australasian fauna is built.