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The next MABA annual event will be held in Melbourne, Victoria over the weekend 28–30 March 2025. It will be held in the hall of The Field Naturalists Club of Victoria, 1 Gardenia Street, Blackburn, 3130 (, which is close to the Blackburn railway station, about 17 km east of the Melbourne CBD. The event will include a field trip for light trapping for moths, series of talks including a keynote presentation by Dr Robert Hoare from Landcare Research New Zealand, a banquet dinner, and a moth workshop.

There will be four activities as follows.

Light trapping for moths: Friday, 28 March 2025, 7.00–10.30 pm AEST
This activity will be held at the Pound Bend Reserve, Warrandyte State Park, and organised by the Entomological Society of Victoria Inc. (ESV). You can either drive directly to the main picnic/parking area and meet us at 7 pm or, if you need transport, meet at the Field Naturalists Club of Victoria (FNCV) hall, 1 Gardenia Street, Blackburn at 6 pm for a lift.  We recommend that you wear long pants, long sleeve shirt, sturdy footwear with good grip, hat, and sunglasses (to avoid damage from high intensity light sources). It would also be good to bring ear plugs, torch, insect repellent, and food and water. Because the activity will be run by the Entomological Society of Victoria, they require that all participants attending complete the outdoor medical event form. You will be required to carry this form on you at all times during the field trip. The information in this form will only be used in case of an accident or medical emergency. On arrival you must register your attendance with the ESV Events Office, sign the attendance register and demonstrate that you have completed the form. Before the light trapping activity commences, the Events Officer will give a safety briefing to all attendees. The activity will be coordinated by Marlene Walter and Anthony Kurek, with assistance from Axel Kallies, Belinda Raymond, Kurtise Templeton,  Mengjie Jin, Peter Marriott and Peter Carwardine.

Talks and AGM: Saturday, 29 March 2025, 8.30 am–5.30 pm
This activity will be held in the FNCV hall, 1 Gardenia Street, Blackburn, VIC 3130. The hall is close to the Blackburn railway station (~2 mins walk). There is a carpark next to the hall that we can use. There will be opportunities to buy second handbooks on Lepidoptera (up to 50% discount) from the MABA book collection. Dr Robert Hoare from Landcare Research New Zealand will present a keynote address entitled "The lure of the Siren Bewitcher: hidden riches amongst New Zealand’s depauperate". This presentation will be followed by a series of shorter talks by members (download program here) and then the AGM.


Presentations. If you are planning on giving a presentation, please let us know the title of your talk and bring a copy of your talk on a USB stick so we can upload it to the FNCV computer. Make sure your talk does not exceed 15 mins, including questions.

Banquet dinner: Saturday, 29 March 2025, 5.30–9.30 pm
The annual dinner will be held at Enrik's Restaurant, 25 Railway Rd, Blackburn, which is about 5 mins walk from the FNCV hall. The cost for the dinner is $45 excluding drinks and sweets. The restaurant has a bar where you can purchase alcoholic beverages, tea/coffee, and deserts. You are welcome to bring a guest (partner/friend) for an additional cost of $55.

Moth workshop: Sunday, 30 March 2025, 9.30 am–12.30 pm
This activity will be held in the FNCV hall, Blackburn. It will involve a combination of processing moths (pinning and setting) and identification of moths to family level. The maximum number of people that can participate in this event is 24, although others are welcome to attend as observers/demonstrators.

Registrations. To attend this event, you must register by completing and submitting the online registration form here. We need to know the exact number of people attending each activity, including the dinner social function, for catering and insurance purposes. The hall can only hold up to 70 people and since members from the Entomological Society of Victoria and Invertebrate Group of the FNCV will be attending, it will be a matter of first in first served! The cost of the event is $35 only or $80 if wish to attend the event and banquet dinner function. Guests for the banquet dinner is $55. The registration fee will cover your meals (morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea) during the talks on Saturday and workshop on Sunday. Deadline for registration is 31 December 2024.

Registration forms are accessible here:

Accommodation. There is accommodation at Nunawading Motor Inn, 245 Whitehorse Rd, Nunawading, VIC 3131. The motel is located approximately 1.4 km from the FNCV hall (~ 20 mins walk). Phone: +61 3 9877 6511.

There are other options for accommodation along the Blackburn railway line closer to the Melbourne CBD.


About us

Moths and Butterflies Australasia (MABA) is a not-for-profit organisation with charitable status.



For more contact methods visit our Contact Us page.

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